D. J. Poulton 2020 | Ormeau | Queensland | Australia| Contact Dave
Saturday, 2nd November, 1996 We decided to cut our visit short and return home. We changed our bookings at the Thai Airways office (what a polite and helpful staff). Some last minute shopping at the markets and back to the hotel. Thursday, 14 October, 1996 The day was spent in Saigon with locals. Sunday, 3rd November, 1996 Allan, I and some of the locals went to the hospital to visit with some of the sick. All the time we were aware of many searching eyes spying on us. I was really fortunate having this opportunity to really see how the people live and the type of suffering they must endure. We really live like millionaires in Australia compared to this place. The hospital is definitely one place you do not want to end up in if you are sick. At 2.30pm we set off for the student meeting, "English as a 2nd Language" that we had been invited to. During my talk with the students, the local police arrived in the meeting. They were quickly told that I was teaching the students English. They left after a little while, stating that they were going to get more soldiers and come back. We departed at 4.20pm after I had given an invitation to come to Christ and led 12 students to the Lord. Alan and I departed onto the street to see a truck load of soldiers coming our way. We hurriedly walked to the corner some distance away and hailed a taxi for a quick escape. We disappeared into the bowels of Saigon. It reminded me of a time in Vung Tau when I was chased by a family of Vietnamese who were bent on shooting me for taking a short cut through their backyards near the 'Front Beach.' I was drunk at the time and on seeing my condition they waved their handguns at me indicating that I should try and mobilize my legs to take flight before I was shot. Amazing how straight and fast you can run when motivated to. …more…

2nd Return Visit To Vietnam