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1st Return Visit to Vietnam

DEALING WITH THE PAST . . . Monday, 30th October, 1995 On the way to the orphanage Today we travel to the Ko Ho Highlands to visit the orphans. The trip will take about four and a half hours by road. We were able to get some snaps and video of Me and my Teddy the children before we had to make a very fast exit from the orphanage. After 15 minutes the police arrived and we left. One of our guides was really worried as the police took more than a casual interest in us. Our concern was not for ourselves, but for the children and those who care for them. There was concern as to the degree of persecution they would suffer as a result of our visit. We left quite angry at the authorities. We did manage to off load the clothes as we l eft. A precision operation. As we left we were voicing our anger over the total suppression the communists have over the people. What had these little one's done to deserve such attention? The orphanage is in a village hut. There were some 30 babies and young children when we arrived. Other children were at school or forced to work. Some of the babies We cheered up after a while as we took in the beauty of the countryside. Deep greens and various shades of green. Truly outstanding. I had forgotten just how beautiful the countryside could be. We decided in our exodus that we would at least do the tourist thing and visited a nearby tourist park that had a spectacular waterfall. Our idea was that we were just simply tourists who get off the beaten track. After all we couldn't speak or read the language and therefore, we could easily misread a map. Sounded good, and we did have that innocent look about us (ha ha!) Falls in full swing. Tuesday, 31st October, 1995 Allan down with a stomach virus. He is suffering. He's been up through the night vomiting and with diarrhoea. Seems to be the same thing that hit me on Saturday. Its a rest day today. Went down to the Cholon markets for some shopping. You need eyes in the back of your head in this place. Leave your watch at home, and carry your money where they can't get at it. One of our number was mugged by some very slippery operators. After the wallet was removed the stage was set for some serious fighting, but an all out brawl was avoided. Wednesday, 1st November, 1995 Today we fly out. Pack up etc. We are to depart for the airport at 1.00pm local time. Got though all the barriers OK. I'll feel a lot better when I hear the door of the aircraft close and we start to roll. Qantas Flight QF160 out of Ho Chi Minh City at 1550 hours. Flight was good and we arrived at Sydney okay. All through customs with no delays. Arrived back in Canberra to go straight to John James Hospital for the birth of our 1st grand daughter (Lauren Jane).