D. J. Poulton 2020 | Ormeau | Queensland | Australia| Contact Dave
DEALING WITH THE PAST . . . We settled into our hotel and made contact with the Viet - namese nationals who were to look after us. Hot and muggy, smelly and still the same amount of refuse on the streets. Just as though you had never left. What didn't thrill me was the prospect of having to get up at 4:30am (local time) and ring Kath (my wife) before she left for work. I looked up tele - phone charges to Oz - absolutely frightening. First minute $US5, every other minute $US4 plus outlandish connection fee and service charges. Day one was orientation. Went for walk in the streets and got stopped by everyone who passed. By the time I got back to the hotel I was ready to lock and load and fight from the bunker. Thursday, 26th October, 1995 Today is mainly a sight-seeing day in Ho Chi Minh City. City has changed from last time here. Never ending stream of people everywhere. I have never seen so many people going somewhere, coming from somewhere and yet as an outsider, not knowing where they are going to or coming from. Touring around Ho Chi Minh City was interesting but taxing due to the heat and humidity. We all took a trip to the old US Embassy, the Palace etc. They have kept the Palace war room intact. Interesting place that caused a flood of vivid memories and pangs of "get me out of here." …more…